Be careful when cleaning your braces. When employing your brushing and flossing routine while wearing braces, exercise caution and brush slowly and safety to avoid accidentally damaging them. Because flossing can be tough with braces, it may be necessary to add an additional level of treatment such as mouthwash. In addition, follow these fantastic tips to keep your braces clean and strong:

– Always attend any appointments that you schedule with your orthodontist.

– Always take the time to soak your retainer and keep it clear from bacteria and contamination.

– Even with braces, you still need to brush your teeth twice daily and floss once every day.

– If any wires break or snap off your braces, cover the broken end with a piece of wax and see your orthodontist immediately.

– Avoid foods and snacks that can get easily stuck in between your braces and teeth, including chewy sweets, hard or tough foods and snacks, and various types of nuts.

– Always wear safety gear when playing contact sports or doing high-risk activities, including mouth guards, face masks, helmets, and any other safety gear that is necessary to protect your mouth.

Come in and see for yourself the benefits of orthodontic braces. To schedule an appointment at our office in Las Vegas, Nevada, call Hamilton & Manuele Orthodontics at 702-243-3300 and a member of our team will gladly assist you. Dr. R. Cree Hamilton and our entire team look forward to helping you achieve the successful smile you desire!