World Changers

Each month, we will feature a new World Changer at Hamilton & Manuele. Below you can view all of our past World Changers and read about their causes.

World Changer of the Month

Emily, a patient and World Changer of Hamilton and Manuele Orthodontics


Confidence to foster and rescue dogs

All World Changers

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Makayla is a World Changer who uses her artistic talents to help others improve their self-esteem and feel empowered to love their true selves.


Maddy is a World Changer who has organized many philantrophy projects to benefit others in need locally and internationally and is a volunteer teacher in Belize.


Isabella is a World Changer who creates jewelry out of braces making others smile.


Easton is a World Changer who enjoys working hard to improve his talents while helping others to follow their dreams.


Jackson is a World Changer who’s compassion and hard work raised funds and necessities to benefit hundreds of veterans in crisis in our community.


Derek is a World Changer by working towards making a positive impact in the world by being a firefighter.


David is a World Changer who is dedicated to helping others now by volunteering at Three Square food bank and working towards becoming a medical doctor.


Connor is a World Changer by living the scout law “On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”


Angie is a World Changer who created project PB&J which stands for please bring jackets and peanut butter and jelly to help the homeless be warm and fed in our community.


Alex is a World Changer by volunteering with World Vision Kenya to bring aid and assistance to children in Africa and being a personal sponsor.

Alex and James

Alex and James are World Changers who volunteer their time at Nevada Children’s Blind Foundation to help visually impaired students build, design, and compete in Robotics.


Lorelei is a World Changer by dedicating her summers to serving the community as a Horses4Heroes volunteer.

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