World Changers

Each month, we will feature a new World Changer at Hamilton & Manuele. Below you can view all of our past World Changers and read about their causes.

World Changer of the Month

Emily, a patient and World Changer of Hamilton and Manuele Orthodontics


Confidence to foster and rescue dogs

All World Changers

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Ruthie is a World Changer who, through her writing and participation in Toe Tag Monologues, creates awareness and inspires compassion for those who need to heal.


India is a World Changer who, as an Outreach volunteer, donates her time to provide sustenance and comfort for the homeless in our community.


Graceann is a World Changer who shares her love of horses with children and helps them master equestrian skills.


Anthony is a World Changer who has dedicated himself in service to God, his country, his family, and the community.


Dre is a World Changer who works hard to make the most of her opportunities in education and in the arts to be the best she can be.


Caitlin is a World Changer who volunteers her time to help under-privileged children have equal opportunities to accomplish their dreams.


Olivia is a World Changer who has pledged her scholarship money to purchase instruments for children so they can change the world through music too.


Kenzie is a World Changer who uses her voice and her music to uplift and inspire others.


Sydney is a World Changer by creating documentaries and using the medium of film to bring awareness to important issues.


Sarah is a World Changer by being a loving, charitable person who advocates for women and the sanctity of life.


My world changing efforts are inspired by my dad. My dad has always had a soft spot for children and their causes. His passion to always help has been my inspiration. Losing my dad at 15 has been hard, but I have found my happy place on the ice, doing what I love, figure skating. […]


I have been blessed with a wonderful family and a great life. My church, Hope Church Las Vegas, started the Foster for Hope program. I had heard of families helping kids that had no one and nothing. I asked my parents if we could change someone’s life by becoming a foster family. They agreed, and […]

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